Rev. Brady Henderson (April 7, 2024)

'NOW.' is a verse-by-verse series on the book of Mark.


April 7, 2024

'An Overview of Mark!’ - Mark

Brief overview of the book of Mark.

April 14, 2024

'A Cousin Clears the Way!’ - Mark 1:1-8

We can see that John the Baptist (the cousin of Jesus), clears the way for His first coming to earth by fulfilling the Foretelling of the Prophets, the Forerunner then Preaches, and the Facts about Christ are then Presented.

April 21, 2024

'Follow the Leader!’ - Mark 1:9-13

We can follow Jesus as our leader by following Him in Believer’s Baptism by Immersion, and Battling Temptation when we are confronted with it.

April 28, 2024

'The Right Formula for Kingdom Building!’ - Mark 1:14-20

We can learn from Christ Jesus what the right formula for a Kingdom Building Ministry is by teaching the right message, having ready members on our team, and knowing that the real Messiah must be trusted.

May 5, 2024

'The Actions of Authority!’ - Mark 1:21-34

We can see the Actions of Authority that Jesus takes here by looking at how Jesus Taught Differently, Jesus Tames Demons, and how Jesus Treated Diseases that Mark shares with us.

May 12, 2024

'The Recipe for Regular Reaching!’ - Mark 1:35-39

March 19, 2024

'Jesus Touched Me!’ - Mark 1:40-45

Jesus touched and cleansed the Leper which shows us the Unthinkable Request by the Leper, the Unique Realization of Jesus’ Power, and the Untrustworthy Response. If Jesus can touch and heal a leper, He can touch us today. The question is, what will our response to His touch be?

May 26, 2024

'A Home for the Hurting!’ - Mark 2:1-12

Jesus shows us that as Christ followers that we as a Church can provide a Home for the Hurting by noticing what a Church that becomes a Home for the Hurting looks like. In this text, we see that it will be full, the Church will fulfill needs, the Church will face Naysayers, but the Church will follow Christ.

June 2, 2024

'Unconventional Thinking!’ - Mark 2:13-17

We can follow Jesus' example of unconventional thinking by looking at how He calls an Obscure Hated Man, Converses in an Open Home, and Clarifies Out-loud Heresies.

June 9, 2024

'Break Your Box!’ - Mark 2:18-22

We can break the boxes that we have in our lives, that we have progressively placed over Jesus, by learning from Jesus' response to the Pharisees in regards to fasting. We see this in the Disappointment Revealed, a Deliberate Response, and a Distinct Reason.

June 23, 2024

'Preying on Someone to Fall!’ - Mark 2:23-3:6

In this text we can see how the Pharisees were preying on Jesus by their Addiction to following others, an Absence of the facts, Awaiting failure, and their Appeasement is forfeited.

July 7, 2024

'Pressure Points of the Ministry!’ - Mark 3:7-21

We can find the Pressure Points of the Ministry in this passage by seeing the Bombardment of People, the Battle with Demons, Befriend those that can help you, and the Blasphemy you will receive.

jULY 10, 2024

'The One Since That Keeps You Out Of Heaven!’ - Mark 3:22-30

The one sin that can keep a person out of Heaven is denying Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Those who are guilty of this have an Inaccurate Picture, they Ignore Jesus Parables (teaching), and they have the Impossibility of Pardon.

July 21, 2024

'Face Your Family!' - Mark 3:31-35

We can Face our Family in personal ministry when we realize that we will have Opposition from Blood Family, we must Object Basic Family Relations, and notice the

opportunity we have to be with our Blood Bought Family.

July 28, 2024

'Do we really need the Gospel?' - Mark 4:1-20

We will show that we really get the Gospel when we understand our Dire Need to Proclaim, the Distinct Privilege we have in sharing good news, and the Definitive purpose that it plays in the Kingdom of God.

August 11, 2024

'Lamps, Lots of Seeds and the Lone Mustard Seed!' - Mark 4:21-34

In this passage we find that Jesus shares three parables about Lamps, Lots of Seeds, and the Lone Mustard Seed. Through these three parables, we can learn that the Light of Jesus will not go out, the Longevity of God’s Kingdom is His responsibility, and the Launch of God’s Kingdom will continue to Grow.

August 18, 2024

'Lord Over the Storm!' - Mark 4:35-41

Jesus is Lord over any storm that we face when we look at the Peace before a Storm, the Panic during a Storm, the Power He has over the Storm, and the Progress that we need to make in our walk with Him after the Storm.

September 1, 2024

'Deliverance from Demon Possession!' - Mark 5:1-20

We can see the deliverance from Demon Possession that Jesus brings in this text by looking at how Jesus Faces the Demonic World, He Fights the Destructive Wretch (Demons), and then Frees the Delivered man to go worldwide proclaiming the Gospel.

September 8, 2024

'Handling Divine Interruptions!' - Mark 5:21-43

We can follow the example of Jesus in how we handle Divine Interruptions in giving grace to those that oppose us, giving guaranteed hope at every opportunity, and giving genuine care despite the confronting opposition we may face.