Rev. Brady Henderson (January 3, 2024)
'Honing In on the Heart' is a verse-by-verse series of the book of 1st Samuel.
'An Overview of 1st Samuel’ - 1 Samuel Sermon Notes
We will look at the book of 1st Samuel by looking at the authorship, composition, purpose, culture similarities, culture differences, date/location, type of book, literary style, main characters, secondary characters, and how Christ can be seen in 1st Samuel
'Ask and Receive!’ - 1 Samuel 1:1-20 Sermon Notes
We can see that Hannah Asked and Received from the Lord by looking at the Ordinary Elkanah, the Oppression Experienced, an Overwhelming Entreaty, an Outward Expression, and an Outstanding Example.
'Desperate Dedication!’ - 1 Samuel 1:20-28 Sermon Notes
We can show Desperate Dedication unto the Lord when we Sacrifice our Time, Supply our Treasures, and Serve in Totality unto the Lord.
'A Prayer of Praise!’ - 1 Samuel 2:1-11 Sermon Notes (January 24, 2024)
In Hannah’s Prayer of Praise, we can learn how we can praise the Lord no matter what we are going through when we Exalt the Lord, see the Expansiveness of the Lord, and His Excellence.
'The Worthlessness of Wrong Motives in Worship!’ - 1 Samuel 2:11-26 Sermon Notes
We can see the Worthlessness of Wrong Motives in Worship when we see that the sons of Eli were not saved, they were stealing, Samuel’s ministry starts, the son’s reputation spreads, and Samuel’s walk with God is strengthened.
'Rejecting the Rebels!' - 1 Samuel 2:27-36
In this passage we can see that God, through His messenger, rejects the Rebels of the House of Eli. We can see this in how a Messenger Brings Conviction, the Messenger Bestows Consequences, the Messenger Broadcasts a Curse, and the Messenger Brings Change.
'The Call of God!' - 1 Samuel 3
In this passage we can see the Call of God by looking at a Quiet Period, a Quandary Presented, a Quivering Pronouncement, a Question Proposed and a Quest that Presents itself for young Samuel.
'The Capture of the Ark of the Covenant' - 1 Samuel 4:1-11
We see the significance in the Capturing of the Ark of the Covenant by looking at the Despair in Losing, Distinct Loudness, Dumbfounded Leaders and disappointment Lingering.
'The Pitfalls of a Patriarchal Priest!' - 1 Samuel 4:12-22
The Pitfalls of a Patriarchal Priest, Eli, that can be pulled right from the text are the Disheveled Priorities, Dead Parents, and the Dissolving Presence of God due to the absence of the Ark of the Covenant.
'The Mistake of Messing with God!' - 1 Samuel 5:1-12
We can see the Mistake of Messing with God in 1st Samuel 5:1-12, when we see that the false gods fell, and that fear goes very far throughout Philistia.
'The Ark Comes Home!' - 1 Samuel 6-7:2
In this scripture text we see that the Ark of the Covenant will come home to Israel, for now. This is significant because we see an Experiment that was Planned, an Exciting Path, but it ends in Excruciating Pain for Israel.
'The Effect of an Ebenezer Epiphany!' - 1 Samuel 6-7:2
We can see the Effect of an Ebenezer Epiphany in these verses by looking at the Message of Repentance, a Meaningful Request, a Merciful Response, a Memorial that is Resurrected, and a Ministry of Restoration that unfolds through Samuel.
'A Survey of Saul!' - 1 Samuel 9:1-2
In these verses we see a Survey of Saul by looking at how his descendants were listed, his distinct looks and double length were also mentioned by the author.
'A Survey of Saul!' - 1 Samuel 9:3-27
What starts out as a mission to find lost donkeys turns into a divine meeting between Samuel and the first king of Israel, Saul. In this scripture text we see that Saul was sent on a working mission, specific words were mentioned, searching took place wholeheartedly for the Man of God, Supernatural words were uttered that matter, and there was a special wonderful meal to welcome Saul.
'The Private Plot!' - 1 Samuel 10:1-16
The private plot that unfolds in this text, before Saul is introduced to the nation as king, unfolds as we look at the Anointing, the Affirmations, the Acquisition, the Appearance, and the Asking.
'The Public Proclamation!' - 1 Samuel 10:17-27
The Public Proclamation of Saul as the first king of Israel unfolds as there is a Reminder of the Past, a Remarkable Process that takes place, and then the Rights of the Kingship are Presented by Samuel.
'How To Properly Handle Praise!' - 1 Samuel 11:1-15
We can properly handle praise when we know that Problems will Always Arise, Preparation Anchors All, and Praise will Await from others.
'Integrity Is Invaluable!' - 1 Samuel 11:1-15
We can see that Integrity is an Invaluable quality of someone who follows the Lord. Samuel shows us four specific attributes of Godly integrity in this text, which are
faithfulness, longevity, blamelessness, and being respected by those whom you lead.
'The Last Words of an Exceptional Leader!' - 1 Samuel 12:6-25
The Last words of Samuel, to Israel, can be summarized in three ways. Samuel gives them a History Lesson, Habits are listed that they are to follow, and the Holy Lord is to be their rock and foundation.
'Taking Matters Into Your Own Hands!' - 1 Samuel 13:1-23
In 1st Samuel 13 we see that Saul begins to take Matters into his own hands with a puffed up ego, a pushy exchange, and persistent military engagements.
'Children, Learn from your Parents' Mistakes!' - 1 Samuel 14:1-23
In this passage we see Jonathan learn from his father’s mistakes, when we see his drive to fight, the decision to have faith, the dedication to follow through, and the deliverance that came directly from the Lord.
'Our Own Words and Actions can Wreck Our Own Family!' - 1 Samuel 14:24-35
We can see in this passage that our own words and actions can potentially wreck our own family when we see Saul’s Own Selfishness, Saul’s Son has a Situation, and Saul’s Selfishness led the Soldiers to sin.
'Sin in the Camp!' - 1 Samuel 14:36-46
We can find Sin in the Camp in the life of King Saul as we see the Lord is Silent, the Leaders are Summoned, the Lots are Started, Saul is Livid, and Loyalty is Shown.
'Abusing God Given Authority!' - 1 Samuel 15:1-9
We can see that Saul abuses God Given Authority when we look at how the Orders were Straightforward, Operations Started Smoothly, and then Obliteration of the Amalekites Stalls.
'The Results of Disobedience - Part 1!' - 1 Samuel 15:10-23
We can see the results of Disobedience in this passage when we see that Samuel is made Aware, Samuel is righteously Angry, Saul has poor Actions, Samuel responds Accurately, and Samuel kills Agag.
'The Results of Disobedience - Part 2!' - 1 Samuel 15:24-35
We can see the results of Disobedience in this passage when we see that Samuel is made Aware, Samuel is righteously Angry, Saul has poor Actions, Samuel responds Accurately, and Samuel kills Agag.
'God Sees the Extraordinary in the Ordinary!' - 1 Samuel 16:1-13
We can see that God sees the Extraordinary in the Ordinary when we Move on from the Past, Move Towards God’s Plan, Move away from People’s preferences, and move ourselves closer to God’s Purpose.
'Two Kings in One Kingdom!' - 1 Samuel 16:14-23
What we find happen with two kings in one kingdom to begin with, is a Reckoning on Saul, Relief for Saul and a Relationship for Saul.
'Give God a Chance!' - 1 Samuel 17:1-30
In the well known narrative from scripture that we often refer to as ‘David Killed Goliath’ we find the scriptural truth that we should always Give God a Chance. We see this in the text when we see an Unfathomable Situation, an Unthinkable Son shows up, the Unachievable Task Remains, and the Unreachable Brother.
'God's Power in the Battle!' - 1 Samuel 17:31-58
We can see God’s power in the battle with David killing Goliath. We look at the past experiences, problematic armor, the Philistine laughs, plundering ensues, and pedigree matters to Saul.
'Who has your Best Interest at Heart?' - 1 Samuel 18:17-30
Here we find that people who do not have your best interest at heart have a plotting, perverted, and preying nature.