Rev. Brady Henderson (March 3, 2024 - March 27, 2024)
'Cries from the Cross' sermon series will look at the 7 phrases that Jesus verbally said while being crucified on the Cross.
'The First Cry: Forgiveness!’ - Luke 23:34 Sermon Notes
We can see a great example of the forgiveness God gives by what Jesus said on the Cross when we see the Possibility of Forgiveness, the Passiveness of Far too many, and the Prophecy that is Fulfilled.
'The Second Cry: Salvation!’ - Luke 23:39-43 Sermon Notes
In Jesus’ second verbal cry on the cross, we see that salvation truly is available to all. In his conversation with one of the thieves, we see that the thief Admits his Sin, Asks for Salvation, and Accepts God’s Sovereignty.
'The Third: Affection!’ - John 19:25-27 Sermon Notes
We can see the affection of Jesus by looking at the third cry He said while on the Cross when we see how Jesus thought about His mother and how He took care of His mother.
'The Fourth Cry: Anguish!’ - Matthew 27:46 Sermon Notes
We can see what Jesus was feeling in this time of extreme pain by looking at the Agony, Anguish, and Alienation He was experiencing.
'The Fifth Cry: Thirst!’ - John 19:28-29 Sermon Notes
When Jesus said the words on the Cross ‘I Thirst’ He showed us that He was Fully Omniscient and that He was Fully Obedient.
'The Sixth Cry: Victory!’ - John 19:30 Sermon Notes
We can see that Jesus lets out a Cry of victory by looking at the Redemption Work Completed, the Required Words Ceased and the Reckoning Wrath of God concluded with His Son on the Cross.
'The Seventh Cry: Contentment!’ - Luke 23:46 Sermon Notes
We can learn from Jesus what it means to be content even in the darkest of situations when we Follow God, Faithfully Trust, and Finish Well with whatever it is God has placed before us.